Maracay Restaurants and Dining

(Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela)

Most reasonably priced eateries in Maracay are located in the city centre and there's certainly no shortage of choice. For an even cheaper but still delicious meal, the food vendors in the city's fresh markets are your best dining option, serving filling soups and stews that are a favourite with many travellers. The more expensive and upmarket restaurants are mostly found along the Avenida de las Delicias, which runs north of the main city centre.

As expected in a large modern city, fast-food dining outlets and eateries are common, and serve the western versions as well as the more local fast-food offerings. Tascas, Spanish-style bar restaurants, are a good bet and specialise in traditional food and grills. Italian cuisine, especially pasta and pizzas, is also popular in Maracay, with a good few Italian-style dining establishments catering for the ongoing demand.

What to Eat, and Where

Venezuelan cuisine, although it does vary from region to region, is in itself a combination of the varied races and cultures here. Both traditional and modern recipes are a result of a mingling of French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish cuisine, with African and Amerindian dining traditions thrown in.

In Venezuela's central region and around Maracay, the main protein ingredients of chicken, beef, fish and pork are mostly stewed or boiled and served with pasta or rice. A strong Italian dining influence is noted here, as well as a culinary nod from other regions of the country.

The national dish of Venezuela, served in endless restaurants, is 'pabellon criollo' - shredded beef cooked with black beans and served on rice. 'Cachapa' is a filling corn pancake served with shredded local cheese piled on top. 'Empanadas', eaten at all times, are delicious little fried potato cakes with various additions.

A typical traditional restaurant dish in Maracay is 'lengua de res' - cow's tongue in vinaigrette. Pasticho is also popular and borrowed directly from Italian pasticcio, being the Venezuelan equivalent of lasagna.